Mama joy circle and playgroup

Sacred time for you and your little person…

I’d been craving this sense of sacred community since becoming a Mama. A place to sit and gather with likeminded souls and to be present to the joy of watching our kiddies grow. Yet every time I Googled I had to choose: Me or Baby. Sessions were at night time (no thanks!), nap times (too tricky), only aimed at little people (Mama needed her time too) or I couldn’t bring my baby with me.

Nothing felt like it fitted into this season of my life and what my heart was craving.

Mamahood comes with its new things to adjust to, and with it can come challenges. However, I wanted to be able to share both my challenges and my joys. And I wanted a place to do so.

So, I created it myself. Think Women’s Circle-come-Playgroup.

sign me up immediately!

Mama Joy Circle + Playgroup




This season of life was meant to be experienced in community.

This is for you if…

You’re seeking likeminded Mama souls to hang out with more regularly.

Your little one could do with a little something different in their weekly rhythm.

You love spending time in nature.

You’d love a place to connect, maybe talk through any challenges from the week and also share what you’re loving most about this season.

You’re into independent play, child-led learning and all things essentially earth-based. 😊

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“I’ve felt so nurtured and cared for afterwards, and my baby girl has had a ton of fun playing with other bubs.”

-Catarina, mama

What to expect…

I’m an experienced sacred space holder and just love bringing people together in community. In my coaching practice I support busy mamas and those in mothering roles to reclaim their joy.

This Circle and Playgroup is meant to be fluid – so each week looks a little different. We’ll gather in my garden, looking for treasures. Or we’ll wander down to the local park to look at the big trees and have a play on the slide.

Every week we will open in a guided coaching Circle, and add some magic and sacredness to our gathering. I want this to be your time, Mama. Your opportunity to connect in deeper conversation, in a place that feels super safe and nurturing. I offer a weekly theme to guide you to explore topics that could be surfacing during this season of mothering.

I provide a home baked nutritious morning tea for Mamas and fruit for little people. BYO picnic blanket and water bottles. My little person of course joins us too! During wet weather we usually cosy up in my loungeroom, or we may come up with another creative plan.

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Other details…

We meet in Sydney’s Northern Beaches, New South Wales. Full address is provided upon booking.

Sessions are held ‘seasonally’ in six to eight week terms, from 9:30-11:00am. $35 (AUD) per week per family.  

** Our next term starts Monday 4 August and ends Monday 18 September 2023**

Small, intimate group size, meaning you get the opportunity to connect deeply with other Mamas and form lasting bonds. 

Recommended for ages 12 months+ (up to around 3 years). However connect with me if your little one is younger/older and you’re still keen, as I’m happy to run you through what to expect in more detail.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I just come on my own?

Absolutely! If your little one has some other activity or can’t make a week for whatever reason, come along anyhow! This is as much about Mama-time as it is about the kiddies.

Can I come for a casual session?

YES! Of course. I understand how long-term commitments with little ones can be a bit tricky at times and it has often stopped me in my tracks from therefore doing anything at all. It’s a big reason why I wanted to gather in this way, so that we actually do it. So yes, come for one session, or the whole season, it’s entirely up to you.

My little person still naps twice a day, how can I fit this in?

Another conundrum that has kept me from gathering for months! I really get this one. My short answer is, just come at anytime, come late, leave early, pop your head in for 15 mins, do whatever feels great for you. If you want some help brainstorming the logistics, drop me a line I’m happy to help.

Are there other days available?

At this stage I’m offering one session a week (per season). I want you to know you are not missing out if you can’t do the current day. Please know that if your heart has called you to this, then in some way, shape and form it’ll come back around for you, I promise. It could be the sign you need to give yourself a little more connection space. Sign up for my newsletter and you’ll be the first to receive updates. You could be also be interested in joining my Mama Joy Circle virtual offer *coming soon*.

“I have been blown away by the amount of warmth, joy, fun and comfort my son and I have both felt. I walk away from each magical circle feeling a new level of energy, calm and happiness which has beamed into my relationship with my son.”

-Olivia, mama

I wanted a place to reconnect with my sacred practices and I wanted to bring my baby

This season of life requires community. Likeminded souls who get where you’re at. Who can celebrate with you and be there to hold you when you need a release. You don’t have to do this alone. Join us in in CIRCLE today.

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“It is rare to find a place that so effortlessly holds space for both the mum and the bubba. I’m able to carve out space for myself, even while my baby is there.”

-Mia, mama

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