How do you stop when you’re way too busy to stop?

How do you create a change, feel different, or make it to the gym when [...]

Overwhelm, knowledge and taking action

I got such a lovely email today from one of our loyal subscribers. She shared [...]

When letting go makes you want to scream

Have you ever had that experience where you’re so caught up in an argument and [...]

It just started hailing & flourishing through our inner seasons

It just started hailing. I just turned the heating on and grabbed my cosy scarf [...]

The Art of Balance

Ah the art of balance. Just when you think you have it all figured out [...]

Figuring Fear Out & Why You Need to MOVE to Get Clarity

Fear is strange. Fear shows up in strange places. It seems to amplify based on [...]

Will you choose to react or to respond?

I never said this was easy. I never said pick your dream and Wa La. [...]

The magic in the flow

It’s starting to dawn on me that no matter how ‘successful’ you appear to be [...]

When juggling turns to balance

There’s an exercise I do with pretty much all my clients and I definitely do [...]

What is balance?

Just once you think you’ve figured it out, the world is toppled. Balance is Breathing. [...]

If I don’t know what it is how can I get it?

We’re spending a lot of time this month focusing on balance and there’s a reason [...]

When is it ok to stop?

I’ve been pondering this question to myself recently: When is it ok to stop? And [...]