Why you need to take the ‘Best Friend Test’ immediately

Have you ever noticed how it’s sooooooo easy to give advice to your friends and [...]

Why I love Christmas

Yes it may be too early to be thinking so much about Christmas (it’s actually [...]

The Five Questions I’ve asked Myself to gain deeper connection

Who am I? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself this question? In some ways [...]

How presence can reconnect you

I’ve just spent the last three weeks traveling Australia. Spending time with family, friends and [...]

How to stop the energy vampires in your life

Have you ever had that feeling when you walk away from a catch up with [...]

Committing to yourself

Do you ever get that nervous, anxious feeling after you’ve just committed to doing something [...]

Stuck on connection

As we ‘grow up’ (and I don’t necessarily mean in age, that can just be [...]

Advice for getting started with dating yourself

Following on from my post last week about ‘the terrifying act of having coffee alone’, [...]

Filling up your tank and the power of connection

I’ve always (well for what feels like always) known I’m a creature in need of [...]

When juggling turns to balance

There’s an exercise I do with pretty much all my clients and I definitely do [...]