To my soul I must give thanks

Do you ever find yourself PUSHING through life? Adding more and more to your to [...]

When the perfectionist in you won’t back down

We’ve all got her. That inner beautiful perfect being. The one that writes neatly in [...]

When letting go makes you want to scream

Have you ever had that experience where you’re so caught up in an argument and [...]

The power of a great story

When I was little I would beg and beg my father to tell me a [...]

Advice for getting started with dating yourself

Following on from my post last week about ‘the terrifying act of having coffee alone’, [...]

The terrifying act of having coffee alone

If you’d have asked me what I am most scared of five years ago I’d [...]

What if it all just seems too overwhelming?

When I was at my lowest point of burn out the thought of doing anything [...]

The Art of Balance

Ah the art of balance. Just when you think you have it all figured out [...]

Will you choose to react or to respond?

I never said this was easy. I never said pick your dream and Wa La. [...]

All you need is love

I was having a conversation with a friend recently about the simplicity of words in [...]

When is it ok to stop?

I’ve been pondering this question to myself recently: When is it ok to stop? And [...]

Warming the soul to combat overwhelm

I’ve been feeling the pull of the end of the year a lot these last [...]