Three Ways To Keep Up This Festive Season

The Daisy Patch Blog - Three Ways To Keep Up This Festive Season

I’m achy. Tired. Lacking that spring in my step.

My body wants to rest and restore, but my brain wants to go-go-go.

Are you feeling it too? This time of the year can feel a little exhausting at times. There’s the planning, the deadlines, the year-end feeling of “did I do enough?!”, and the diary just keeps filling up while the to-do list is increasingly overwhelming.

It can creep up on you too. That feeling of anxiousness. Panic even.

My voices in my head used to go something like this:

“Gotta. Get. It. All. Done. Must. Finish. Now.”

“I need to see everyone, it’s Christmas, I’m a failure if I don’t.”

“If I can just get this one thing finished, and that other thing, I’ll feel soooooo good come the new year.”

“Is it December already? Arrr, I’m such a failure. I haven’t been to yoga in weeks, I’m feeling tight and bulgy in my clothes, and I don’t feel like being social I just want to crawl up on my couch!”

I could go on and on. The voices would just get louder. And I’d feel (literally in my body) more panicked by the hour.

I know there’s a lot going on at this time of year. And I know it’s kinda natural to get at least a little wrapped up in projections and new year forecasting and before you know it the year has vanished… But I also know there’s a better way to feel now during that process.

More free. Less exhausted. More joyful (because hey, I’m not going to fill my diary if it’s not full of joy!). Here’s three ways I’ve created more spaciousness at this time of year, and a way to actually feel good during the festive season:

1) Create Space. This one is huge. I’m getting better and better at it each year. Disengaging from that feeling of must do it in December and instead setting up catch ups and meetings for January. Why push for December? I also block out my diary for two whole weeks over year-end. That includes no Blog writing or checking in with social media accounts for my business. I tell you what, this one feels harder and yet is way more rewarding. I get to completely switch off and be present with loved ones. Easier said than done, but step one is literally blocking out your diary to enable it to happen.

2) Be Kind. To YOU. Okay, so things could get tense. You’re going to get stroppy – at least once this season. So be prepared for it. What would you tell your best friend? Or your 3 year old niece? What can you have ‘up your sleeve’ to tell yourself when things get a little tense. I’m working on this one always. Particularly when I’m tired and in “I haven’t done nearly enough” mode, this can feel even tougher. That’s why having pre-prepared statements or ‘lines’ you can say to yourself will get you out of that trap quick sticks! Some of my faves are: You’re doing the best you can. You can handle this. Everything you need is within you right now. It’s okay.

3) Spread Joy. For me, the treasure of this season is really about spreading love and joy. And when we’re stuck in our heads and stressed about getting everything done we can easily lose touch with the real purpose of the year-end. A time to celebrate what has been and to welcome in new beginnings. A time to check in with loved ones, whether they are near or far. I love sending Christmas cards, I get to in that moment of writing out my message feel so close and connected with my loved ones. And I love knowing that the joy is spreading far and wide. I also love feeding people. ? I don’t know what it, but I just love having gatherings around food. Feels so grounding. So most years I’ll make sure I’ve invited friends or family over for a festive meal. My sneaky way too of getting in another fix of Christmas carols! I’m sure there’s plenty of other ways you can think of to spread joy in your own unique way. When we’re focused on joy and love our whole energy and thoughts shift. We get to experience how we really want to feel – and be more lit up.


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